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Better together - Corona!

Snowpark Alta Badia - with distance the best!

The health of our community lies close to our heart. In order to guarantee carefree shred sessions together this winter 2021/22, we have to stick to a few corona safety measures. Therefore, we have collected the most important rules and ask you to pay attention in particular to the following points:

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  • From 1. April, no Green Pass will be required for access to lifts.
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  • A surgical or FFP2 face mask is required in closed lifts.
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  • Please keep a safe distance of 1 metre to others in both open and enclosed spaces.
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  • Always pay attention to your hand hygiene. Frequently washing and disinfecting your hands is an excellent protective measure!

Don't spread the virus – spread the stoke!

Even if it's hard: If your throat feels scratchy and you don't feel well, please stay at home and make sure you are 100% fit again before you hit the slopes. Anyway, it's much nicer to do cool tricks than to trick sick.

You can find the exact regulations of Alta Badia on their website.